TagMatiks Wedge - iOS Help

Inventory Overview


Conducting an Inventory is the main functionality of TagMatiks Wedge. The process involves using an RFID device to collect RFID tag data that can then be further exported based on your business needs.

To create an inventory, follow the steps below:

• Click on the Menu > Inventory.

1. To read the RFID tags from CS108 reader; Click on “Inventory” button option, from Home Page. As shown in Fig 1.0.

Fig 1.0 Inventory Button Available on Home Page.

2. Then a new window will open, named: “Inventory.” As shown in Fig 1.1

Fig 1.1 Inventory Page

3. Create a new Inventory transaction, by clicking on the “+” button on the right bottom of the application. As shown in Fig 1.1.


Inventory Name Inventory Name is an optional field for an inventory but if you want to keep track of the different inventories done using TagMatiks Wedge, you can make it mandatory.

4. Click on the Application Configuration option from the home page of Application.

5. Click on the Advanced option . As shown in Fig 1.2.

Fig 1.2: Click on Advance option.

6. You can Tap on the Check Box to make the Inventory Name Mandatory as shown in the image below and tap on Save. As shown in Fig 1.3.

Fig 1.3 : Select Inventory name mandatory option.
Fig 1.4: Click on save button.

7. After , Click on + icon from inventory page.Click on the “Scan” button option for reading the RFID tags. As shown in Fig 1.5.

Fig 1.5 : Scan Button Option available on Inventory Scan Page

8. Once the “Scan” button is Clicked; then the “RFID” LED starts flashing.

9. This means the CS108 reader is in polling state and reading the tags. Same can be seen in the application window. Refer below image[Fig 1.6].

Fig 1.6 : Scanning RFID tags.

10. Once you Press “Stop” button (on the right bottom of the application); reader will stop reading the tags.

11. As a result, the read tags will populate on the application window, as shown in below image[Fig 1.7].

Fig 1.7 : After Scanning RFID Tags

12. You can click on the individual tags to review additional details. As shown in Fig 1.8.

Fig 1.8: Tag Details Page.
Additional Options on the Inventory Option Include:
  • Export – Export RFID tag data. See Export Configurations for more details
  • Clear Inventory- will remove the list of scanned RFID Tags for the inventory
  • Delete Inventory – will remove the entire inventory.
  • Antenna Power - Adjust the power of the RFID reader
  • Filters – modify filters. See Understanding Filters for more details
On each individual RFID tag, you can swipe from right to left to expose the following options:
  • Delete – remove just a single RFID Tag.
  • Find Item – See Using the Find Item Feature for more details