Conducting an Inventory is the main functionality of TagMatiks Wedge. The process involves using an RFID device to collect RFID tag data that can then be further exported based on your business needs.
To create an inventory, follow the steps below:
• Click on the Menu > Inventory.
• This will show you the Pending Inventory List. Once you start doing Inventories, they will show up here. To create a new inventory, press the + icon. You'll be prompted to enter a name for the inventory (Inventory Name) which can be anything of your choice, up to 50 characters. You can also edit this later.
• If you want to continue with an existing inventory, you can simply select it from the list.
Inventory Name Inventory Name is an optional field for an inventory but if you want to keep track of the different inventories done using TagMatiks Wedge, you can make it mandatory.
• Menu > Application Configuration> Advanced.
• You can Tap on the Check Box to make the Inventory Name Mandatory as shown in the image below and tap on Save.
Notes can be entered and associated to an inventory. Notes can be up to 500 characters.
• From a layout perspective, the count displayed is the number of unique RFID tags scanned for that inventory. If an RFID reader is not connected, a banner will be displayed with that indication.
• From a scanning perspective, you have the option to either use the trigger / button on the physical RFID hardware or press the Scan / Stop button to trigger reads.
• As RFID tags start to get collected, they will be displayed on the inventory module with details such as the EPC, Read Count and RSSI values.
• When the tags are started scanning it will be displayed as a list on the same screen, which will have information about the EPC, Read Count, and RSSI value.
• You can click on the individual tags to review additional details. The details displayed may differ depending on the filters that you have enabled.