TagMatiks Wedge - iOS Help

Setting up Your RFID Device - Caen qID Mini


This article provides information about setting up & configuring the qID Mini RFID readers with TagMatiks Wedge.

  • qID Mini Reader should be sufficiently charged.
  • iOS device should be sufficiently charged.
  • Bluetooth of iOS device should be ON.
  • iOS should be kept near to the qID Mini reader.

This document is divided into multiple sections as:

  • qID Mini Device Information
  • Switching ON & OFF qID Mini Device
  • Pairing of qID Mini Device with iOS device using TagMatiks Wedge Application
  • Reading of RFID Tags using qID Mini Device using TagMatiks Wedge Application
A. qID Mini Device Information

The qID Mini (Model R1170I qID Mini) is the portable reader with integrated antenna and ideal for Asset Tracking & Inventory Management applications. qID Mini reader is designed to achieve fast reading speed and can be used in dense tag environments for top-class rated performances. The qID Mini is a perfect addon for any Bluetooth® enabled device (such as an iPhone/Android/Windows based smartphone/laptop/tablet) and can quickly & easily transform the device into a RFID reader.

Below image is the front panel view of the qID Mini reader.

B. Switching ON & OFF qlD Mini Device

Switching ON the qlD Mini Device:

1. Press the Power button continuously for 3 seconds only.

2. Then its LED light up GREEN along with beep & vibration; means power is on.

Switching OFF the Device

1. To switch off when the qID Mini reader is on, press the Power button continuously for 3 seconds only.

2. Then its GREEN LED light is off, means qID Mini device is power off.

C. Pairing with iOS device using TagMatiks Wedge Application

Immediate after when qlD Mini device is powered on,
Then the “Power LED” will turn:-
either, Green - if battery is more than 35%
or, Orange – if battery is more than 15 % & lesser than 35%
or, Red – if battery is lesser than 15%

And the “Link LED” will be off; this acknowledges that the qlD Mini device is not connected to any iOS device.

• Go to the Bluetooth settings of the device and select the “qIDmini-192103337” Device.

• Open TagMatiks Wedge and select Manage Readers by tapping on the upper left corner of the screen.

• In the Manage Readers option available Reader (s) will be displayed. And list of recently paired RFID readers can also be seen under the Recently Connected Reader(s) section.

• Select the Caen qID reader from Select Reader list

• Then a new window will open, named: “Readers List.” and click Caen qID reader from Reader List page as shown in the image below.

• Once the qID mini is connected, the application will show the Reader information on the Reader Settings Page.

The Settings menu has the following options :

  • Antenna Power (dBm) : Adjusts the range of the RFID handheld or sled.
  • Battery - displays the battery of the RFID handheld or sled.

NOTE: Toggle the Auto Reconnect option to let the application automatically connect to the reader.

D. Reading RFID Tags using qlD Mini Device

• To read the RFID tags from qlD Mini reader; press the “Inventory” button - on the left-hand side of application.

• Then a new window will open, named: “Inventory.”

• Create a new Inventory transaction, by pressing the “+” button on the right bottom of the application.

• Then create a new Inventory and name the Inventory list. Like here it is created under the name of “TEST”.

• Press the “Scan” button (on the right bottom of the application) for reading the RFID tags.

• The qlD Mini reader is in polling state and reading the tags. Same can be seen in the application window.

• Once you Press “Stop” button (on the right bottom of the application); reader will stop reading the tags.

• As a result, the read tags will populate on the application window, as shown in below image.