TagMatiks Wedge - iOS Help

Using the Reference File & Inventory View Feature


This document illustrates how your own assets inventory list can be used as “Reference file” and link or combine with the “TagMatiks Wedge” inventory data. This document will guide you the procedure to map the Headers of a Reference file and then show them as the Inventory attributes in TagMatiks Wedge application.

  • RFID Reader should be sufficiently charged.
  • iOS device should be sufficiently charged.
  • Bluetooth of iOS device should be ON.
  • iOS should be kept near to the RFID reader.

This document is divided into multiple sections as:

  • A. Creating a Reference File as sample
  • B. Importing the Reference File
  • C. Header Mapping in TagMatiks Wedge Application
  • D. Setting up “Inventory Data View Configuration” in TagMatiks Wedge Application
  • E. Setting up “Export Fields Configuration” in TagMatiks Wedge Application
  • F. Taking Inventory using TagMatiks Wedge Application
  • G. Exporting Inventory File using TagMatiks Wedge Application
A.Creating Reference File as Sample

The Reference File feature supports both CSV or Xlsx format. If you don’t have a file, you can use Microsoft Excel to create one. A sample is provided below for your ease of use.

In the example above, there are 5 columns and headers. For the sample workflow below, the file is saved as "Wedge_Reference Field_Data.xlsx" and has following Headers:

  • Asset Tag ID
  • Style
  • Color
  • Size
  • GTIN
Fig 0.1: Shoes Reference Fields.
B. Importing the Reference File

1. Click on the Application Configuration option from the home page of the application. As shown in Fig 0.2.

Fig 0.2 : Application Configuration option on home page.

2. To add a Reference File, click on the “Reference File” button option. Please refer to the below image Fig 0.3.

Fig 0.3 : Reference File option

3. Then the system will redirect you to the Reference file page. As shown in Fig 0.4.

Fig 0.4 : Reference File page.

4. Click on the browse option button for selecting the (Reference File).

5.Select this reference file and then it will be imported into the application; as shown in the image below. Fig 0.5:

Fig 0.5 : Reference File in location
Fig 0.6 : After fetching reference file with application.
C. Header Mapping in TagMatiks Wedge Application

1. Once the reference file is imported; click on the “Header Mapping” button - on the bottom right-hand side of the application. As shown in Fig 0.6 (Header Mapping option available.)

2. A new window named “Header Mapping” will open. Click on the drop-down icon of “System Fields”, to select the default fields that you want to map with the reference file’s columns. As shown in Fig 0.7.

Fig 0.7 : Header Mapping Page.

3. You’ll see a list of default fields.You must select at least one field. In this example, “EPC (hex)” is selected. As shown in Fig 0.8.

Fig 0.8. System Fields Default Lists.

4. Click on the drop-down icon of “Reference Fields” to map the Header of reference file with the default selected field of the TagMatiks Wedge application.As shown in Fig 0.9.

Fig 0.9 : Click on Reference Field option.

5.The application will show you the list of Reference Fields. You must select at least one field that you want to make it as a primary field to the default field. In this example, “Asset Tag ID” is selected. As shown in Fig 1.0.

Fig 1.0: Reference File Lists.

6.After selecting both fields, click on the “Add” button to map these two headers. As a result, the Header Mapping field is added. As shown in Fig 1.1.

Fig 1.1 : “Add” Button available for adding both fields.
Fig 1.2 : After adding both Fields.

7. Then click the “Save” button on the bottom right-hand side of the application, As a result, the application confirms that “Header mapping saved successfully”. As shown in Fig 1.3.

Fig 1.3 : After clicking on Save button , header mapping saved successfully.
D. Setting up “Inventory Data View Configuration” in TagMatiks Wedge Application

The data view feature allows you to customize the view when conducting inventories so you can see data that is best fit for your application. To configure the data view settings of Inventory operation, in TagMatiks Wedge application; please follow steps below:

1.Click on the Application Configuration option from the home Page.

2.Then a new window will open, named: “Application Configuration”. Select the “Inventory View Configuration” button. As shown in Fig 1.4.

Fig 1.4 : Inventory option available

3. A new window will open, named: “Inventory Data Configuration”. Refer to the image below : Fig 1.5.

Fig 1.5 : Inventory Data Configuration page

4. Although fields can be editable, users can change the field with any of the system fields or reference fields. As shown in Fig 1.6.

Fig 1.6: Select field for inventory view configuration

5. Select field 1; like here “Field 2” as “Asset Tag ID”.

6. Select field 2; like here “Field 3” as “Style.”

7. Select field 3; like here “Field 4” as “Color”.

8. Select field 4; like here “Field 5” as “Size”.

9. Select field 5; like here “Field 5” as “GTIN”.

10. You can select & keep any of these Fields - either from “System Field” or from “Reference Field”

11. Then click the “Save” button on the bottom right - hand side of the application.

12. As a result, the application confirms that “Inventory View Configuration saved successfully”. Please refer to the image below. Fig 1.7.

Fig 1.7: Click on save button to save inventory view configuration.
E. Setting up “Export Fields Configuration” in TagMatiks Wedge Application

To configure the export Inventory file settings, in TagMatiks Wedge application; please follow below steps:

1.Click on Application Configuration button option from the home page of Application.

2. Click on Export configuration option. As shown in Fig 1.8.

Fig 1.8 : Export configuration option

3. Under Export Configuration, click on the “Export Field Settings” button. Refer to the image below : Fig 1.9.

Fig 1.9 :Export Field settings.

4. After clicking on Export Field Setting ,it will redirect to the “Report List” Page. As shown below in Fig 2.0.

Fig 2.0 : Report List Page.

5. For the new report list, click on the + icon button from the report list page, or use the default report option to edit the report. Right swipe the default report option and click on Edit option . As shown in Fig 2.1.

Fig 2.1: Edit option available in default report.

6.You can select any field either from “system field'' or from “reference field”. For this example, we have enabled multiple fields from both “system field’ & “reference field” – for our export Inventory file.

Fig 2.2 : System Fields in Export Field Settings
Fig 2.3: Reference Field in Export Configuration

6. To save these field settings, click on the “ √ ” (check mark) icon on the Top – Right hand side of the application. As shown in Fig 2.4.

Fig 2.4 : Export Fields updated successfully.
F. Taking Inventory using TagMatiks Wedge Application

1.Click on the Inventory option from the home page of the application.

2. Then a new window will open, named: “Inventory”,Create a new Inventory transaction, by clicking on the “+” button on the right bottom of the application.As shown in Fig 2.5.

Fig 2.5: Inventory Page

3. Then create a new Inventory and name the Inventory list. Like here it is created in the name of “ Shoes Reference File”. Click on Scan Button to scan the RFID Tags. As shown in Fig 2.6.

Fig 2.6 : Scan Button option available.

4. The RFID reader is in polling state and reading the tags. Same can be seen in the application window. Refer to the image below in Fig 2.7.

Fig 2.7: Scanning RFID Tags.

5.Once you press the “Stop” button (on the right bottom of the application); reader will stop reading the tags.

6.As a result, the tags will populate on the application window along with their respective Reference fields, please refer to the image below : Fig 2.8.

Fig 2.8 : After Scanning RFID Tags.

7.The details of each tag can be seen by clicking on any of the read tags, please refer to the image below: Fig 2.9.

Fig 2.9: After click on Tags, Tag details is open
G. Exporting Inventory File using TagMatiks Wedge Application

After taking the Asset Inventory, the inventory data can be exported as:

1. Open the inventory file; like here the Inventory file is: “Shoes Reference File”.

2.Then click on the “Export” button – on the bottom right-hand side of the application as shown in the image above Fig 2.8.

3.Once, the export button is clicked then the application will show the export option.As shown in Fig 3.0.

Fig 3.0: Export options display, after click on Export button

4. Select the export option which you have already set in the export settings like (Export as CSV), and then select the location on the IOS device where you want to save it. As shown in Fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1: Location to save the File.

5. After Selecting location for Export file, then it will Export the file and show a message on TagMatiks Wedge Application :- Export successfully.. As shown in Fig 3.3.

Fig 3.3: Export Completed message shown

6. As a result, the inventory file of scanned items can be seen on the IOS device.As shown in Fig 3.4.

Fig 3.4: Export file.