This article briefly explains how to upgrade the plan to get more assets with additional features and support for the TagMatiks AT Lite Application.
Home → Profile → Account Details.
General Details:
Here we have displayed your email address and current plan name.
Total assets and remaining assets are also listed out.
Extra features are available for application
Create maximum assets up to 500.
Custom Attribute: It is very useful to add more fields while we are creating assets.
Data Backup & Restore: It is very helpful to switch the platforms without losing the data.
Create maximum assets up to 1000.
Sensor Profile: To find the Temperature, Humidity, and moisture value of the assets.
Create maximum assets up to 1000.
How to upgrade plan:
Tap upgrade plan to view the price details for plans. Select plan price, navigate to the In-app purchase page. Enter the sandbox account details and upgrade their plan.